What is SEO? Understanding SEO and How It Works

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seomediastudio.com What is SEO? Understanding SEO and How It Works So, what is SEO? In short, Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a treatment or practice to maximize the web so that it can be on the first page of a crawler engine. This optimization allows the search engine or crawler engine to see what a website deserves to be shown at the very top of the search results or maybe not.

In this article, we will review the understanding of SEO, SEO work steps, and SEO links and web speed.

One thing you need to know, SEO is not a job that is done in 1x time. SEO is an endless process, which means you have to constantly optimize the web.

To do this, you must understand how the crawler engines rank the web based on certain qualifications or conditions.

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From this moment


Type of Traffic SEO

A web with good content but minimal visitors really has no meaning. You need to be able to grab the visitor’s attention and keep them at home on the web for long.

There are several things you can do to bring in and manage traffic.

First time, identify the traffic sources. There are three types of SEO traffic:

Traffic Quality

For a business website, the more website visitors who change status to become consumers, the better the quality of traffic they have.

The level of alteration can be a reference in determining the quality of web traffic. Although the level of alteration depends on the type and direction of business, a value of 5% can meet the quality of the alteration.

Visitors who are connected to the web and find out what products are being sold contributes to good traffic. For example, if the products being marketed are iPhone and Android cellphones, the traffic that arrives is not traffic to buy netbooks and computers.

Quantity of Traffic

The amount of traffic is no less important than the quality of traffic.

Usually the amount of traffic is calculated based on the number of visitors who enter and connect to the site. However, there are still many things that are important to take into account and monitor, namely: site visitors, page views, and visit times.

Everything that is mentioned in the beginning need not be calculated by manual system. You can use tools, such as Google Analytics or StatCounter, to analyze web traffic.

Organic Traffic (Unpaid)

The type of traffic that is loved by almost all web owners is organic traffic. Except for free, organic traffic can bring in a few more website visitors and increase alteration.

For example, some internet users write down certain keywords or keywords in the browser search field. Then, they click on the link shown in the search results. Visits via these links are said to be organic traffic.

Even though it looks easy, the competition for getting organic traffic is very tight. Therefore, you must apply good SEO practices to get satisfying results.

How Does SEO Work?

SEO optimization of the web so that some people can get it by using certain keywords.

Here are some of the benefits that this optimization system offers:

– Provide relevant info.
– Make it a crawler engine for reliable sources.
– Bring more organic traffic.

Although the search results can be available at that time, the process that occurs in a crawler engine is not as simple as it seems. Even crawlers run before you write anything down in the search field and hit the Enter key.

Nach, after reviewing what SEO is and its benefits, after this we will explain the steps search engines work to help you learn SEO.

There are three specific jobs in the crawler engine stroke for each sent wish or search:

– Crawling. This process takes place in its initial stages. Crawling will collect info from all over the web – from one page to another, from one link to another.
– Indexing. After gathering the info, the crawler site will save it in the list entry: index.
– Rank. The ranking results will be shown in order, based on the most precise searches.

 Search Engine Algorithms

In order to guarantee search quality, crawler engines use a set of terms or conditions that are named by an algorithm.

Pastika crawler algorithm


One poll shows that around 52% of loyal consumers continue to return to e-commerce sites or online shops with low loading times. This percentage can be obtained if loading is fast and web rankings go up.

One other thing also determines web SEO, namely experiences that are told by word of mouth. Whether it’s negative or positive.

Generally, internet users who wait a long time for the web to load completely will share their unpleasant experiences with other users. Finally, the user and his friend did not return to the same website for the second time. Here are the risks of a slow loading web.

Studying SEO

After detailing what SEO is and the basics, we will review the deeper technical aspects of SEO. For those who are not or are not familiar, understanding SEO can be quite difficult. Fortunately, there are several resources that can be used. Here are a number of websites to learn SEO:

 1. Ahrefs

The Ahrefs website has a large group of SEO articles that are not only for novice users but also professional ones. Besides that, the content is always updated with the latest SEO system.

 2. MOZ

Built in 2004, MOZ is an SEO software maker. The MOZ website is equipped with various articles regarding online marketing and how to apply SEO.

 Search Engine Journal

This website offers a myriad of SEO articles and tutorials. Not just an SEO problem, Search Engine Journal publishes articles on content writing. There is also a news place that reviews the latest information or updates regarding SEO.

When you’re studying SEO, you should do some testing or testing.

Despite the plethora of useful tricks and tips, still when applied it yields other results. The argument is none other than the algorithm of the crawler engine which is always different.

Plus, a successful SEO optimization system on one’s website will not necessarily produce similar results for your site.

Keep studying what SEO is, how SEO works, and how to apply it. Don’t be afraid to try or even explore each of the existing SEO optimization systems.


Now you’ve learned a few things about what SEO is in this article.

SEO is an important tool to increase your web visibility. If you are currently struggling in the business world, SEO will bring you more traffic and that means there will be lots of loyal customers or consumers.

To be able to create high traffic, you must run onsite SEO and offsite SEO systems.

Before applying SEO, you must know one of the most important things about the web, namely traffic. The following is a summary of the traffic types:

– Quantity of traffic. The number of visitors arriving to the web.
– Quality of traffic. Target visitors relating to the web.
– Organic traffic (free of charge). Traffic the web gets from crawler engines.

By now you already know why SEO is important for web development and changes. Keep in mind that SEO is an endless process and it goes on and on. To understand the understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to apply it, you can read various articles and online guides.

Happy web optimization!

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