Your Online Content Making the Most of Your Online Content

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Your Online Content Making the Most of Your Online Content

“In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king, “states the Greek proverb. As an analogy, one might say that in the world of business it is the customer that is king, being the all-important part of any marketing strategy that is developed.

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As more and more business is driven by an online presence, it isn’t rocket science to realize how important it is for any organization seeking to retain customer loyalty and develop new markets to maximize the benefit of that presence. If a strategy is not working the problem often lies in a slipshod approach to web marketing, failing to understand that the wired world has moved on in leaps and bounds since the 20th century.

Your Online Content

In the same way as graphic designers, copywriters and printers produce leaflets and brochures, with close attention to getting every detail correct, businesses looking to increase interest in their online presence need to take seriously the quality of their website content. It’s not simply about the information on the page (which must be of high quality), but how that information is presented to encourage customers and potential customers to stay on the page and, eventually, make a purchase.

The key to this is to make the page visually attractive, easy to click through with clear directions to other parts of the site and, perhaps even more importantly, to ensure it is populated with high-quality writing. This doesn’t mean reams and reams of waffle, as if to say: “We’ve got a lot to tell you and boy are we going to tell you until you beg to get to the checkout.” The chances are the customer will be long gone and looking for a user-friendlier site with a smarter web presence.

Good graphics and a savvy web team can create a visually exciting site, but it is the skills of top quality copywriters that make a real difference. Couple that with an understanding and exploitation of social media opportunities and there is potential for a turnaround in an online presence.

Finding good copywriters is important because they are the wordsmiths that draft the text that will encourage customers to read on. They write to house styles, can contribute on practically any subject under the sun, spell and space properly and use correct grammar (including the dreaded possessive apostrophe). They are a key resource for businesses that may not have the in-house experience to write their own copy. A badly spelled, poorly laid-out, grammatically incorrect web page is an instant turn off for customers. If the content is sloppily written, what does that say about the company?

Social media outlets have proliferated in the last decade, and it’s essential that businesses constantly use them as a marketing tool to rejuvenate their online presence. Creating a Facebook page, for example, offers the opportunity to create connections with customers who can see what others are saying about the products and services being sold, and how efficient the business is. Getting a CEO signed up to Twitter to ‘tweet’ nuggets of information can lead to thousands of followers, all of whom may be potential customers. It’s as well to seek some training in the nuances of different social media – it can sometimes be cruel.

As the American management guru Peter Drucker stated: “The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer.”

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